Member Profiles

Deacon Dominic

Deacon Dominic is more than a soldier in the service of his nation but a soldier on active duty for Christ. Ordained into the fivefold ministry, Deacon Dominic labors as a faithful servant and minister under the leadership of Bishop Pernell in Bet HaShem YHWH Worldwide Ministries, Inc. Both a minister and lyrical artist, Deacon Dominic advances the kingdom of heaven through his witness, heart and pen.

Deacon Dominic

Born in Vallejo, California and raised in Newark, New Jersey, the firstborn son to a young single mother, Deacon Dominic lived through many trials and near knockout experiences. Still at an early age, he played the role of protector for his family - a little man, yet just a boy. And that man-child would learn many painful lessons. Through his childhood and adolescent years, he felt the pull of the streets, but little did he know that YHWH too had a hold of him.

Over time, he recognized that he needed more in life than a street hustle. He turned to other faiths, but his spirit would not rest and still he cried out to the Heavenly Father. He joined a church in 2009 and began an even deeper quest for relationship with his Savior. Then, one day he encountered Bishop Pernell at an ordination service the Bishop attended. He recalls how the Bishop shook his hand and greeted him with bold love and conviction, as if he had known him for years. That brief interaction stuck in his spirit. Soon, he and a co-laborer started attending Bet HaShem YHWH services, as the young convert was hungry for spiritual nourishment. Intrigued by the Bishop's powerful teachings and anointing, he returned regularly to the weekly Monday Night Leadership Class. Being poured into, he recognized the power in the name of Yahshua and continued to attend services, though his co-laborer did not remain. He eventually made the spiritual commitment and joined the ministry in 2010, the same year he enlisted in the US Army National Guard.

Deacon Dominic

Armed with new beginnings, he believed in his future with clarity and bold intent. Though the next few months would prove to be among the most physically and psychologically challenging of his life, he prevailed and successfully made it through this gateway to his military career. After returning from boot camp and basic training, Deacon Dominic again attended services and through many ups and downs, he endured. In particular, it was the friendship of a fellow co-laborer who offered her love and support that anchored him to the house in the midst of his spiritual growing pains. Not long after, the two became inseparable. Ultimately, he realized this woman to be his soul mate and their love and covenant friendship deepened. A confidant and friend, Deacon Dominic married Minister Melissa on June 29, 2013 and informally adopted her 9-year-old son, D'Ante, as his own.

Deacon Dominic is consumed with his duty first to Christ and the purpose with which he was been entrusted, which include his spiritual mandate, family, gift and profession. In it all, he has a sincere heart of thankfulness for Bishop Pernell whose obedience to his calling made their first encounter possible and instigated a dynamic shift, which would usher him into the fullness of zoe (life) and the path wherein he now walks. Deacon Dominic, a beloved son, honors the Bishop greatly and considers him to be the father he always desired, but never had. With integrity and excellence, the Deacon serves the House admirably as a fivefold minister and rising leader in the body of Christ. Yet his leadership is not only in the faith but in the arts as well. After laying down the mic so many years ago, he never expected a return to the craft. Once more, YHWH had a hold of him. With a spiritual flame lit, he re-enlisted his pen and amazed as that prolific lyrist and rap virtuoso.

Deacon Dominic

Only this time around, his content was more profound and spiritually edifying. His gift, now fully under the influence of the Ruach Hakodesh, was being perfected and his musical ear flourished. In the year leading up to his ordination, he debuted hip hop songs and future classics that taught truth and the importance of the name Yahshua as well as songs that showed forth his personal testimonies and triumphs. His words continue to speak to souls from the pews to the streets. Daily, he challenges himself to hear and create anointed and riveting prose, which is hope to a world and a balm in Gilead to all generations. Moving on a word of prophecy from noonday prayer, Deacon Dominic performs and ministers under the banner of YAHSQUAD, a collective of rappers who hail from Bet HaShem YHWH Worldwide Ministries. The mandate is to radically change the hip hop industry, win souls and establish the bar for excellence in the arts.

Deacon Dominic testifies that the explosion of his growth in music coincides with his growth in the anointing and his obedience to his calling, especially since his ordination in August of 2013. Diligent in his ministry, craft and service, he continues to serve proudly in the US Army. He now holds the rank of Specialist and is under current review to become a Sergeant. He was recently chosen to represent his unit at the Annual Nation Wide Race at the Pentagon. He represented his unit with great honor as he ranked within the top 6% of elite soldiers in the nation. Boldly, he serves nation, ministry, family and Christ.

Deacon Dominic
Deacon Dominic
Deacon Dominic